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Welcome to BrainGenix!

Thank you for your interest in contributing to BrainGenix! Your support helps us push the boundaries of what's possible and helps us bring whole-brain-emulation technology closer to reality. There are several ways you can get involved:

Volunteer Your Time and Skills

We're always on the lookout for passionate individuals who want to make a difference in the field of WBE. If you're interested in contributing as a volunteer, check out our current openings at:

Volunteer Opportunities

Here, you'll find a list of projects that need your expertise in areas like coding, research, design, marketing, and more! By joining our team, you'll work alongside like-minded individuals on cutting-edge projects that aim to revolutionize what it means to be human.

Financial Contributions

If you're unable to contribute your time but still want to support our mission financially, we're grateful for any amount you can give! Your generosity will fund ongoing research and development efforts, ensuring that we can continue to improve our platform and conduct critical research needed for WBE.


Your support enables us to keep our software open-source and accessible to all.

If you have any questions related to financial contributions, or would like to donate an amount greater than $250, please get in touch with us at

Other Ways to Get Involved

  • Spread the Word: Share BrainGenix with your friends, colleagues, or online communities to increase awareness of our work.
  • Provide Feedback: Use our software and let us know what you think! Your insights can lead to invaluable improvements.
  • Collaborate: If you have ideas for partnerships or collaborations that align with our mission, get in touch! We're open to exploring new possibilities.

Connect with Us

For any inquiries or to discuss other ways you can contribute to BrainGenix, please reach out to us via email at

Thank you for considering supporting BrainGenix! Every contribution, big or small, brings us one step closer to achieving full human brain emulation.