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Take The Challenge


Follow the steps below to participate in the challenge.

1. Register

Please use the form at the link to register your participation.

Participant Registration

Your information will be treated confidentially. We use it to ensure that we can treat each participant individually and be maximally helpful all the way through the process.

2. Continue to a challenge level

The WBE Challenge is comprised of a series of independent challenge data sets. The sophistication and difficulty of the challenge increases as you go along. You are free to commence in any order, but we recommend starting at the beginning to confirm the fundamental principles of your reconstruction method.

The WBE Challenge is developed and supported by the Virtual Brain Platform (VBP) and Neural Emulation System (NES) groups of the BrainGenix division of the Carboncopies Foundation R&D. The Carboncopies Foundation (CCF) is a 501(c)3 non-profit research and education organization. You can read more about the CCF at, and BrainGenix at

For questions or comments, please write to